Our Youth must Save the World

… because we don’t seem willing.  When one searches for examples of human genetically coded memory, it appears we humans learn almost everything by having older generations teach the young.  This sets homo sapiens apart from most other species.  Modern society’s glaring loss is that old people are often no longer involved in teaching youngsters. Pictured is the Gardens 80-year-old Pilchuck Learning Center Chair, assisted by 4-year-old Red Schoolhouse preschoolers, in turn assisting plants to migrate. Learning for humans begins early; public education ignores the 3 & 4-year-olds, then uses large classroom sizes at ages 5 & 6 (and small class sizes in high school), the opposite of what is needed (from this old teacher’s perspective). PLC limits its Little Red Schoolhouse preschool class sizes to 6. Our beliefs:

  1. early education is the key to a society’s well-being.
  2. older people, assisting the very young, not only teach but show they care.
  3. teaching the next generation by our actions, and not just words, is important.
  4. we show we care by our deeds; mankind on this Earth will not be saved by faith alone.  In these regards, the Native Indigenous Peoples had it right (as did our Ancestors).  Human deeds matter, evidence attesting.


Evidence that mankind’s salvation on this Earth is in danger are clearly shown by:

Human deeds
Faith alone
Our love of art and music

Comments, content, questions appreciated; email bb@plc215.org

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