German Legends (5130)

Bonhoeffer Gardens are named after one of WW II’s German heroes, Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  It was not just Dietrich’s opposition to the War that keeps his name alive today; the mystery he left us called “religion-less Christianity” remains.  We, who have a God-touch in our hearts that seculars and scientists do not understand, also honor Sophia Magdalena Scholl of Lutheran background, who in 1943 was beheaded by an SS (Homeland Security) executioner in a Munich prison a few hours after an imported train of judges from Berlin (daytrip) found her guilty. She was a member of the WW II White Rose Resistance Group and was 21 years of age. Her remarks to the Court, “Someone after all had to make a Start” is more often heard at coffee shops today than anything Dietrich ever said. John Hauberg’s (who created the Pilchuck Tree Farm) autobiography (he of German descent) of his time in Germany after WW II as an Army Officer is well worth reading re. humans, at a certain age, finding change difficult.  Say, for example, our giving guns to a people to fight a common foe is shifting the pain, shame, and the blame.  Not talking here of the Ukraine, but the arming of the Duwamish and Snoqualmie, like the British arming the northern Māori.  We humans make up our minds to follow stupid decision, then don’t question “authority” and let unmanned cars roll downhill … let  others to do our dirty work; even as times change.  For example, why don’t most Lutheran Churches have Bibles in their pews?  At one time, the congregants were illiterate, they could not read.  It was for a Minister to interpret the Bible to them.  This writer today pledges the same Creed of 1517, sits in worship without Bibles and listens to humorless business and political advice , and fades away after he lingers at a coffee hour that tells him he is not out of touch.  Dietrich and Sophie live on because they put future generations, you the reader’s well-being, first.  (Photo from the Bavarian National Museum, Sophie’s executioner shown; he made so much money in 1943 that he bought a villa in the wealthy part of Munich.)

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