After World War II, Industry, Technology & the Careless
Being Citizens of a State Trying to Save its Native Species 

Think of these History Lesson Series like the human body: The brain and nervous system are the legal structure “Governing” requiring electricity and a complex language to communicate. Transportation (arteries, veins … AI farms, rail, rivers, airport, roads) distributes sugars, fats, proteins for Commerce, Industry & Technology (muscles, one of which is the heart), all to flex within business & property rights’ (skeleton) boundaries.  The West’s crowning achievement is its diversity: forms, hair, multiple skin colors creating Beauty: parks, schools, hospitals and churches. But the economic heart, that’s: commerce, industry and technology. This writer’s generation has enjoyed living in North America, but we have ignored our potential for extinction(s). Our careless generation leaves only the promise of a Bright Future to you; the reason why you as a student must understand history to balance these forces and allow for a succeeding generation. A promise and/or being saved by faith alone will not be sufficient when the owners of the land in which you live appear to almost all be in the East, distant landlords. Anid if you challenge the status quo remember you me be talking to those who are totally oblivious that they are living in a Sea of Clones. A promise and/or being saved by faith alone will not be sufficient when the owners of the land in which you live appear to almost all be in the East, distant landlords who Malign Tree Huggers. And they (industry, technology, and commerce) have the resources to guide political discourse, resist change and continue exploitation. For related Topics: Conflicts of Interest, Meet Threats to Mankind’s Existence, Monocultures, Pilchuck Glass Centerpieces, PLEA: Photo, Log & eMail with WWU, Sea of Ancient History: Boys in a Boat, Cancer Survivors Act, Question Going Forward, Relic Rescues, When the State is Wrong and Who Speaks for the Younger Generation.


When 10 highlighted Lesson sections for Industry, Technology & the Careless Generation have been reviewed and answered, select the State or Province below for a Record of Completion.

Alberta British Columbia
Alaska California Colorado Idaho Montana      
New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming

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Ethnobotanicals and native animals also mentioned: Salmonberries, Thimbleberries and Snowberries; Other Salmon: Pink (Humpback), Chum (Dog) and Atlantic. 3rd Thread: Spruce: Sitka, Engelmann and Blue; Power Sources: Iron Horse, Horsemanship and Donkeys.