History seen through a Native Plant, Animal, & Peoples’ Lens

This starts a series of History Lessons that will end with a study of the Future because there will be a future: 1) we will solve the challenge of homo sapiens potential self-Extinction and 2) trace how the melding of cultures, that was once thought to be America and Canada’s goal, has been replaced in today’s celebration of cultural diversity achieved, women’s rights guaranteed,  and the need for biodiversity preserved. (E.O. Wilson).

The West’s history begins with 2 topics: Homo Sapiens in the Americas and the Search to Live Fully Realized Lives, start to end. That “start” was 15,000 years ago … all of us with African Eve as a shared grandmother, now thought to have lived but 30,000 years ago when the world-wide population was less than 10,000, now numbering 8,000,000,000. Extinctions of AnimalsPlants, or people (after millions or billions of years) are inevitable, but do not needlessly have to occur, as are occurring with today’s human careless treatment of the Earth. Ethnobotanicals are what make all our histories unique, there would be no human history of life without the food, shelter, and medicines provided by native flora … and fauna.  The West’s native plants, animals, and native cultures are disappearing. This need not occur. They have almost all Happened on Our Watch and they are Hiding in Plain Sight.  Challenges Post 1945 are many: Climate ChangeHerbicidesPlastic WastePlutoniumMicrowave ImpactFungi & Plagues, and more.  It may well be The Final Frontier.  We ask if there is a solution without including the Spiritually Minded? Present-day Species Disappearance are Threats to Mankind. Evidence abounds that the secular and scientific world is not finding a solution!  This has been a human issue since the writing of Genesis 2:15 … we can use the Earth, but we must also care for it. The West could, indeed, offer the Beacons of Light for human behaviors that must evolve. 

Which one of the below are among the challenges to extinction of species created by man?

volcanic eruptions

wars and proxy wars



Each of these 10 Lesson Series ends with a study of an extinction challenge, this 1st touches on “war.” One hundred years ago (1924) Winston Churchill looked ahead at issues that still exist today:


If you wish to skip this ending section regarding Extinction Challenges, and the 20 highlighted Lesson sections for History seen through a Native Plant, Animal, & Peoples’ Lens have been reviewed and answered, select the State or Province below for a Record of Completion.

Alberta British Columbia
Alaska California Colorado Idaho Montana      
New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming


Ethnobotanicals and native animals covered in either the ending section or state/province specific courses include Native Americans’ foods of Camas, Wapato and Oak Acorns; Mountain: Goats, Sheep, Marmots; Lone(some) Species: Oak, Chinkapin and Aspen; Several Plants Poisonous, Stinging Nettles and Cow Parsnip.