
Record of Lesson Completion                        0                      Washington State History 


You have answered these State History & Time Immemorial questions correctly.

….X  Native Americans Use of Ethnobotanicals
….X   2 Worlds’ Major Culture Difference: Property Rights
….X   Everyone Looking, but No One Noticing, Good-by to the Giants

You may have also answered questions regarding:
.___  Chimakum, Duwamish, Snoqualmie, Yakima, Stillaguamish and Suquamish Peoples

their ethnobotanical native plants utilized by the Indigenous Peoples.
.___  Saskatoon Berry (Serviceberry)
.___  Mock Orange
.___  Coastal Rhododendron

and the region’s native animals (mark “X” next to extra topics reviewed)
.___  Deer
.___  Goldfinch
.___  Marble, Red Admiral, Swallowtail,  & Cabbage White Butterflies

plus other PLC topic lessons reviewed during this 10-part History Course

Someday you might ask (or answer) the question, “From whom did the Duwamish and Snoqualmie obtain their rifles during Washington’s Indian Wars?”  That history appears to have yet not been written.

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