Restoring Salmon & Wildlife Habitat: Visitors to the Gardens stand close to the largest salmon dam in the State. When the Grand Coulee Dam was constructed (and later downstream, the Chief Joseph), no fish ladders were built. 1,000s of miles of spawning grounds were lost. The I-5 destroyed even more habitat. When finished here in 1973 (funded by the US DOD), the I-5’s rivers received bridges, but creeks, brooks, rills, and streams were given 1’ & 2’ metal pipes, often stretching dark and foreboding 100s, even 1,000s of feet. Every dip, south from the Canadian Border (and there are hundreds) has such a pipe. Exit 215 has 2 sets of pipes crossing back & forth! Turn right 200’ from here and view the end of the circumvention of an old Navy/auto wrecking yard. South of here, the Gardens’ waters run west under the I-5, then
into a downstream ½ mile west side ditch (flowing north), then east again under the I-5 (in one continuous pipe). Freeborn Church Creek once hosted Coho and Chum runs, but alas, no more! The I-5 Freeway is the State’s largest salmon dam! Shown at the left is the salmon drying fireplace in the Children’s Gardens and a timely note: the WA DOT is proposing to either put 6′ pipes under the freeway at Exit 215 or re-re-directing (into its natural course) the creek that runs through Bonhoeffer Botanical Gardens. It would be a dream come true to see salmon returning to the Gardens.–644225921715713902/
Which government agency funded the building of the I-5 and other interstate highways in the West?
US Department of Defense
Washington Department of Transportation
Canada U.S. Joint Venture
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