PLC has won back full control of Bonhoeffer Botanical Gardens, work has begun on obtaining a Conditional Use Permit now required by the County.
PLC has lost the parcel used for staging Pilchuck History Farm relics; a search is underway for a larger site (10 – 20 acres).
Preschool Graduation, 22nd year, now 1,500 alumni students from 1,000 local families.
2021 – 2023
Gardens and Farm continued closed to public.
Pilchuck Learning Center sued by Lutheran Church represented by
large legal firm of ELCA’s National Office, Chicago. Is mankind to be
saved by faith alone or do human deeds matter?
At issue in part, proposing a Green Creed.
Preschool wins its CUP; new Gardens’ campus built and opened.
Conditional Use Permit Application Project Narrative
WWU’s SAM Project’s 2nd Year – Thank You Note!
WNPS Study Weekend Tours at Bonhoeffer Botanical Gardens
o Directors Welcome Tour 215 & 216
o Washington Native Plant Society Study Weekend
June – August
Summer 2019 Museum Glass Collections
Saved a Norse Mortise & Tendon Mansion
SAM Project Initiated
PreSchool’s New Building/Location created
after Church evicts preschoolers on November 1.
Gardens are closed
Assisting “plant migration” Above: 3 of 4 native “western chestnuts” in the State before December 2017, the month our students and members planted 150 propagated pairs here and there north of Seattle. We had almost completely wiped out this (and other) plant species; see our mass extinction poster. View our “western chestnut” at Bonhoeffer Gardens; there are at least 20 Golden Chinquapins at I-5’s Exit 215.
Preschool Programs
May 23rd – 6 PM Preschool Graduation Program
2016 and before …
Saying Good-by
to a life-long friend, Ken Ness Memorial
Brochures (discontinued, illustrates the vision 10+ years ago)
Bonhoeffer Botanical Gardens Flyer
PGS Auction Centerpiece Flyer
Gardens Ferry Flyer
Press Releases & Stories
Zoo of Plants
Form 990s (past 7 years)