McMurray Fir

Seven years ago, 4 miles NE of the History Farm, PLC was offered the opportunity to purchase the McMurray Fir’s 200’ long log and 19’ diameter stump, far larger than any Douglas Fir alive on Earth today (14’ diameter).  Once considered for the Chicago World Fair in 1893, its diameter was too large for transportation (tunnels along the way). PLC coveted this log and stump to show young people the trees that covered this land 120 years ago.  Alas, we could not find the liability insurance needed for the transport; last year we settled for the purchase of an equally remarkable 22’ diameter Western Red Cedar stump.  In the interim the area around the McMurray Fir’s log and stump was clear cut using today’s techniques of grinding, piling, and burning … and then spraying before Douglas Fir seedlings are planted. For those who have hiked into the Pilchuck Tree Farm to see this tree’s remains, say “Good-By” to the McMurray Fir.  The photo above, taken last year, is a visual lesson itself.,Douglas%20fir%20tree%20on%20Earth

Bonhoeffer Gardens Western Redcedar stump is how many more feet in diameter than the McMurray Fir (was):


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