Genesis 2:15 Expectation

Before the commandments, before the mention of Eve or Adam, the Bible’s 1s Book of Genesis 2:15 states: “The LORD God then took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it.”   This is not the 1st expectation, Genesis 1 notes that a week has 7 days.  And history notes that hu”man”s took great care of the Earth until the late 1940s. This is in Old Hebrew (8,000 words) sentence, translated to Greek (20,000 words), translated to Latin (40,000 words), translated to King James English (1,000,000 words).  That is, there is a reason that translations may vary.  The above is the US Catholic Bishops version, other translations can be reviewed at:

The first chapter of Genesis notes that a week holds:

Fourteen days

Six days

Seven days

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