

State Flowers are often showy, but not necessarily their fruit.

It tells much about the Indigenous Peoples that they used beautiful flowers for events, even funerals and burials.  If you think of their common practice of putting a loved one’s body in a canoe and lifting it up into a tree, or floating it away on at current, you also can sense the importance of canoes to transportation and the sense of loss and the unknown.  Plants and animals (flora and fauna) were “ethnobotanic,” being the study of the uses by Indigenous Peoples … “ethnozoological” is the term for study of uses of native animals.

More scientific names for “plants and animals” are:

Flora & Fauna
Merriam’s & Rio Grande
Fir & Ferns

From Time Immemorial to a Melting Pot
State History

“One Earth, one experiment.”
E.O. Wilson

Do human beings have the right to use and destroy Earth?

A) Yes

B) No 

“And the Lord God brought humans onto the Earth to use and take care of it”
Genesis 2:15

Comments, content, questions appreciated; email bb@plc215.org

Mock Orange