Homo Sapiens in the Americas

Best knowledge today for this writer (who in 1962 sat as a University of Washington oceanographic/biology major in a classroom without knowing about mitochondrial DNA … because it was not yet been discovered).   We now think Hominids have been on Earth for 10 million years.  Evolution from chimpanzees (we share 98.2% of their DNA) who wandered onto savannahs in a major climate shift.  Various off-shoots occurring over time, 3 million years 1 type, “habilis” learned to use tools, 1 million years ago “erectus” covered Atlantic to Pacific Europe/Asia and Africa (with an off-shoot in Australia).  Next “sapiens” with ability to throw spears, use/improve tools (Aug and Og) 300,000 years ago.  Perhaps “Eve” our common grandmother (times x) 150,000 years ago, but maybe 30,000 … it makes no difference, Earth covered in ash 18″ from volcanic action 70,000 years ago and it drove “sapiens” population down to pockets total sum et.al. 1,000 to 10,000 individuals (Eve’s descendants overwhelming every other Sapiens and Hominid remaining thereafter) … perhaps by axe or sex, as some of us have a small % of Neanderthal and/or Devonian (1 molar evidence total from Siberia!) in our genes (less than 5%).  So, in 30,000 years we’ve gone from a 1,000 count to 8,000,000,000 “people” on this Earth.  Frightening if you extrapolate to the year 2080 with 2 points: 1) you might call us natural “hunters and gatherers,” but the phrase should be “killers and pillagers” and 2) we humans (from Amazon Pigmies to Artic Eskimos to South African Hottentots) are all brothers and sisters.  Our cousins (or ancestors) arrived in the Americas 15,000 years ago, by chance, via a narrow 280-mile land bridge 42 miles wide from Siberia to Alaska.  Sea levels then might have been as much as 500 feet lower than today.  We are commonplace, the miracle was Eve!


African Eve’s descendants can be said to be:

hunters & gatherers
killers & pillagers
both of the above

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