Black Bears

Black Bears are the widely distributed bear species, found almost everywhere and only 1 or the 2 bear species not threatened with extinction (Alaska and Eurasia’s Brown Bear the other).  Not a threat to humans (unless one steps between a mother bear and a cub), this vegetable and bug eating animal has a wide range of appetites.  As a boy, this writer would visit a homestead orchard complete with a bear trap, a box 4′ x 4′ x 6′ with a lid that would close after a bear entered and became ensnared in a metal bear trap (a practice used until 2 voter Initiatives in 1996 and 2000).  Traps are also banned in California and Colorado, but Alaska, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming continue to allow their use.  Oregon is contending with a ban, but only on public lands.

The color of the Black Bear is always lack unless it is:

Blonde, Cream-colored, White
Light to dark Brown, Jet Black with Bluish tinge
All of the above

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