Record of Lesson Completion                      6                  State of Wyoming History

You have answered these Railways, Roads, Schools & Churches questions correctly.

….X   Railroads connecting the West
….X   Roads & automobiles, connecting communities
….X   Building the West, Melding the West

You may have also answered questions regarding:
_____ Arapaho, Cheyenne, Crow, Shoshone and Ute

their ethnobotanical native plants utilized by the Indigenous Peoples and Pioneers.
_____ Common Juniper
_____ Seaside Juniper
_____ Rocky Mountain Juniper

and the region’s native animals (mark “X” next to extra topics reviewed)

plus, other PLC topic lessons reviewed during this 10-part History Course
_____Brick Streets 
_____Cattle Grazing
_____Cease Livestock Grazing on Public Lands
_____Chinese Exclusion Act
_____Fox Island
_____Imported Feuds – H&H 
_____Ku Klux Klan 
_____Model T
_____Mosquito Fleet
_____Nootka Bay
_____Nootka Island Today
_____Pig War
_____Property Taxes
_____Sisters of Providence

Someday you might ask (or answer) the question, “The U.S. and Canada once championed melding cultures, being a melting pot. Are they not, today, becoming more tribal?”  That history appears to have not yet been written.

Your Printed Name…………..……….Signature……..~Study Minutes……………..22060

Next Lesson: Parks, Wars, & the Great Depression