Industry, Technology & the Careless
Being Citizens: Salmon Recovery
Not well understood is that Cascadia and the southern California coast were settled before the slopes of the Rocky Mountains. This creates a Cascadia History vs. Wild Far West’s 2 histories series, the former 20 years advanced over the latter, Cascadia slightly more willing to discuss transformative change, but further along in environmental damage and species extinctions. This writer talks of his Careless Generation. But he was also once young and busy, his life Ancient History: like Boys in a Boat. That said he remembers the Once Grey Hills, the harbor in Stanwood before WashingTons of Topsoil poured down from the Cascade Mountain slopes, and when moss did not hang from the trees as it does now (the climate is warmer and wetter). Occasional stories like: Humans’ Sycamore Stupidity and the fact that there are No More Giants evoke only sighs while Biodiversity’s Enemies dominate. Slow change allows for adaption and the need for revolutionary cultural change. Only by chance, do we glimpse the past in Relic Rescues, do we pause and ask the question:
Where today might you purchase Western Cedar beams of lumber 55′ long, 16″ high, 4″ wide with no knots? Drive from Ashland at Oregon’s southern border to Vancouver, British Columbia and count how many of these trees might you be able to see … say within 1 hour drive east and west off the I-5 anywhere along the 11-hour drive?
After World War II, Industry, Technology & the Careless
Being Citizens of a State Trying to Save its Native Species
The Creation of a State occurred on (prose to be added). But Who Actually Owns the Westwho decides its Land Use? If one looks at Evidence, Nootka Island Today much of the land logged is state, provincial, or Federal owned. Once, because there were not roads, the Mosquito Fleet dominated transportation, but then roads appeared, funded by Property Taxes. Homesteaders who could not generate cash to pay them, lost their hard-earned lands to Monocultures. Like the Silent Loss of the McMurray Fir, no one was noticing. There will always be a Natural Conflicts of Interest between private ownership of “farms” (logging and cattle) and private property rights will always be respected. Public ownership, however, gives the voters A Chance to Rewild the West to re-task the use their owned lands. Proponents of the status quo (decisions based on events that no longer exist) will always be Maligning the Tree Huggers not paying attention to their living in a Sea of Clones.
Study the establishment of Crater Lake National Park, Oregon’s diverse ecosystems, and ongoing conservation efforts
Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville,. Oregon
Logging and cattle grazing practices exist on public lands like they did 100 years ago because:
corporate owners control the legislature
voters have not demanded a change like they did on the dams on the Elwha
The State Insect of Oregon is the:
Indian Paintbrush
Sweet Coltsfoot
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Statehood, BLM Use Land Leasing & Logging