Record of Lesson Completion                        5                  Province of British Columbia History

You have answered these Statehood, Constitutions, Far West’s Owner questions correctly.

_____ Official Fish Species
_____ Becoming a State or Province
_____ West’s Women’s Rights Influence

You may have also answered questions regarding:
_____ Bella Coola, Coast Salish, Haida, Halkomelem, Heiltsuk, Kwak’wala, Nuu-chah-nulth, Owekeeno and Squamish

their ethnobotanical native plants utilized by the Indigenous Peoples and Pioneers.
_____ Flora 1
_____ Flora 2
_____ Flora 3

and the region’s native animals (mark “X” next to extra topics reviewed)
_____ Fauna 1
_____ Fauna 2
_____ Fauna 3

plus, other PLC topic lessons reviewed during this 10-part History Course
_____ Apathy & Indifference
_____ Bolt Decision
_____ Early Wives 
_____ Equal Pay
_____ Forest Glade
_____ Forest Grove
_____ Genesis 2:15 Expectation
_____ Makah & Norse Longhouse
_____ Systemic Discrimination
_____ Treaty Topic Neglected
_____ Tree Huggers
_____ Women’s Suffrage

Someday you might ask (or answer) the question, “Because of apathy and indifference have we given up on the concept of a melding pot with a retreat to tribalism?”  That history appears to have yet not been written.

Your Printed Name…………..……….Signature……..~Study Minutes……………..13050

Next Lesson: Railways, Roads, Schools & Churches