Record of Lesson Completion                       9                      State of Alaska History

You have answered these The Wistful Present & Future Generations questions correctly.

….X   State Symbol
….X   Can we be a Beacon of Light
….X   Extinction Issue: Extreme Heat

You may have also answered questions regarding:
_____ Eyak, Haida, Tlingit and Tsimshian Peoples

their ethnobotanical native plants utilized by the Indigenous Peoples and Pioneers.
_____ Flora 1
_____ Flora 2
_____ Flora 3
_____ Western Hemlock

and the region’s native animals (mark “X” next to extra topics reviewed)
_____ Fauna 1
_____ Fauna 2
_____ Fauna 3

plus, other PLC topic lessons reviewed during this 10-part History Course
_____Once Grey Hills
_____Challenges Post 1945
_____Climate Change
_____Fungi & Plagues
_____Happened on Our Watch
_____Hiding in Plain Sight
_____Including those Religious
_____Land Use
_____Microwave Impact
_____Plastic Waste
_____The Final Frontier

Someday you might ask (or answer) the question, “Why, this generation’s Americans continue to act like the Spaniards, Russian, English and American trappers and miners before them who exploited the West’s resources and left nothing in return?”  That history appears to have yet not been written.

Your Printed Name…………..……….Signature……..~Study Minutes……………..11090

Next (under development, a 10 Lesson Series), State of Alaska History Final Exam