Parks, the War to End all Wars, & the Great Depression
We all live downstream of a a rapids
Parks are America’s Best Idea, the crowning achievement of North America’s History; they join scenic rivers, national marine monuments, battlefields and wilderness refuges with protections that fulfil our need for Beauty (the top of Maslow’s Pyramid). Today, they are carbon sinks, protected areas for plant and animal species facing extinctions, and for Canada and the U.S., global air conditioners (as winds blow east). Their areas cover but a small fraction of land owned and operated by State, Province and the Federal Government: “national forests,” “natural resources,” … think BLM (Bureau of Land Management), USFS (U.S. Forest Service), etc. Also think lumber production, livestock grazing, mining, and drilling … think herbicides, clear-cutting, cattle grazing, and global warming. If you wish to talk to the owners of these lands, their center of residency is Ohio/Pennsylvania and Toronto. The West has changed in one generation, Parks created by altruism, reflection and reactions to wars, and enhanced to perfection during the Great Depression, are now at the bottom, not top, of supporting the Pyramid with the potential to save humanity. And to be fair, this ethnobotanical foundation of western State/Province History, is exactly the eternal position (breathing, food, water, shelter) of America’s Indigenous Peoples. The World’s future is about Land Use, but “The West” is owned and operated by distant owners’ intent on exploiting profits from afar just like the Spaniards at Nootka Bay in 1778. We are a slum to hypocritic Eastern landlords, who if they just stop and look, might see the West as a “gift to future generations” … with all respect to Dietrich & Sophie. For related topics, see: Once Grey Hills, No More Giants, Restoring Salmon and Wildlife, Re-task Use of Western Public Lands and WashingTons of Topsoil. Include Topics: The Big Burn, Biodiversity, Biodiversity’s Enemies, Biodiversity’s Friends, Sycamore Stupidity and McMurray Fir.
When 10 highlighted Lesson sections have been reviewed and answered, select the State or Province below for a Record of Lesson Completion.
Alberta British Columbia
Alaska California Colorado Idaho Montana
New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming
Ethnobotanicals and native animals also mentioned: Prickly Pear, Serviceberry and Cranberries; Salmon: King (Chinook/Tyee), Coho (Silver/Kokanee) and Sockeye; Sequoias: Redwood, Sequoia and Dawn Redwood; True Firs: Alpine, Pacific, Noble and Grand.
Magic of Public Parks
Land Use
Tree Huggers
McMurray Fir
Mining/Other Wastes
Restoring Salmon and Wildlife
Extreme Heat
Lowering West Wind Temperatures
Rewild the West
The Role of Biodiversity
Education & the US Constitution
Sisters of Providence
Conflicts of Interest
Including those Religious